Yesterday was very busy… right after work Dad and I went to pick up the frame for my super-awesome workbench. My grandpa told me that if I wanted it could be my Christmas present… what a gift! I will post some pictures of it tonight once I get home.
After that I went over to fix my cousin’s computer and hang out with my aunt and uncle. It was a pretty good time, I got everything squared away without any trouble. I was over there until about 9:30 pm, at which time I was already starting to feel miserable.
Tasha went to the doctor yesterday for a cold and congestion, it turns out its a viral cold and it should resolve itself pretty quickly. I’m sure that’s what I’ve got, but it doesn’t make it any better to know.
I watched a little TV and spent some time with the dog, but it was apparent that my energy level was degrading quickly. My cousin called around 11, wanting to stop by and hang out for awhile.
We did, and we drank nearly a whole bottle of sake. It was a good time, we don’t usually get a chance to hang out and visit anymore. Unfortunately, that meant I was up far too late last night, however I woke up feeling quite rested. I still have the cold, but I slept very well.
Today I’ve felt pretty crappy. My head has been vacillating between runny and stuffy and I can’t seem to strike a good balance to make it stop. I think I may take tonight off karate so I don’t infect everyone and I can get on the mend in time to make a couple of workouts toward the end of the week.
On the plus side, I am hearing somewhat better. Its still not perfect, but it is on the mend.
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