Tonight I successfully reconfigured the new version of MythWeb. I also set up some access control so only I can bask in its glory… and monitor my own recordings. 🙂
There has really been a big leap forward in reliability of the Myth system with the newest Fedora Core and the new version of code. All of the little flaws have been easily overcome, the MythWeb configuration was the most involved of the group.
My next task will be to set up something tangent to MythTV: a daapd server to connect to my iTunes library and stream it to the Myth box. If I really get ambitious, I may check out the source of MythTV and write a little module to control it from the frontend itself. That way I can really get the most out of my awesome Klipsch speakers!
I really want to get a nice set top box… I’ve wanted to do a casemod for a long time that would look like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. When the Myth is recording, the eye would be red. But that’s a longer term project. 😉
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