Tonight we noticed a certain odor coming from the rabbit room that indicates that they need some attention. This special odor usually means that one of them has had a small poopstorm. It turns out they BOTH had a poopstorm, The Cheat’s was so significant that it had glued his… male parts… together.
After some deft work with some blunt nosed scissors, 45 minutes later they are as poop-free as I can manage without shaving their wee rabbit bums. I also took the opportunity to trim their nails, which is always an exercise in frustration because they HATE having their nails trimmed.
Interestingly, The Cheat is usually the fussy one but this time Joe was the more difficult patient. But no matter! They are both cleaned for the moment, I’ll be off to get some litter so I can clean their cages out soon as not to repeat this effort in the near future.
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