As I mentioned yesterday, Tasha and I picked up a bunch of new decor items for our bedroom. Today we hit Walmart and the grocery store to buy additional supplies, and I began the arduous task of preparing the room for painting.
Aside from the obvious taping of the trim and window areas, we had this lovely dark blue stripe with red edging around the top of the room. Yesterday, I had checked the red edge and judged it as paint, so we got a quart of primer to cover it. Upon getting up on the stepstool to tape the ceiling, I noticed a seam in the blue section… that part was wallpaper.
So Tasha headed back to Walmart to get some Diff wallpaper remover while I finished the spackling and taping procedures. Taking off wallpaper when it has been painted on or near the edge is a pain in the butt, made even worse by the fact that I will still have to prime the bastard before I can actually paint. I just got done scraping a three foot section and it took me awhile… I sprayed down another section and am waiting for it to soak in.
If I get one wall done tonight I’m going to consider it a wild success, and with light quickly fading out of that room I might not even get that much done.
And yes, for those of you keeping score… I could have just primed right overtop of the wallpaper, but the edge would’ve still been visible as it was somewhat thick, and I would always be dissatisfied by cutting the corner.
I just keep telling myself our bedroom is going to look cool when we’re done, so it’ll be worth it.
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