After some reflection, I have elected to strip my goals down to just a few this year. I had too many irons in the fire last year and it led to a lot of partial successes and failures, so this year I’m going to keep the goals lean and mean.
Debt Freedom
At long last, this long-term goal is in sight. At the time of this writing, we have only one remaining debt aside from our house: my student loan. The way the debt snowball functions, the last debt that you have is the largest and this is our largest. In fact, we’ve fought it down to almost halfway paid off in 2009 and this year we finish the job.
- Refresh financial goals by going through the 13-week Financial Peace Home Study again. Target for completion: April 2010.
- Secure debt freedom by paying off my final student loan. Target for completion: September 2010.
- Begin on full emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses, saving at least two months of expenses by year end. Target for completion: December 2010.
- Continue keeping grocery budget records. Target for completion: December 2010.
Personal Development and Recreation
I’m creating one category to house a couple different goals around hobbies, recreation, and self-improvement.
- Increase karate workouts, averaging twice a week at a minimum. Target for completion: December 2010.
- Complete‘s Acoustic Genius series. Target for completion: December 2010.
- Create a “man cave” for myself in the basement. Target for completion: June 2010.
- Daily blogging this year, metrics remaining the same as last year. Target for completion: December 2010.
2010 – Opening Remarks and a Call to Action
This is going to be a tough year, as work will remain extremely demanding for the first half of the year. This will also be a rewarding year, with debt freedom looming on the horizon. Once this milestone is met the fun begins.
I’ve had several people ask me why I do this every year. I feel very strongly about goal setting, and it becomes far too easy to get used to the routine that you’re in and not strive for something better. I’ve said it many times in the past, and will continue to say it: I don’t do average well. These goals help to keep me motivated so that I won’t look back on 2010 and have nothing to count for it.
The best advice I can give is simply this: take an honest look at your life and TAKE ACTION. It doesn’t have to be anything grandiose or crazy, but set an actionable goal that you can work on a little at a time so that in the end you’ve got something to count for yourself. Set yourself a fitness goal. Set yourself a blogging goal. If you’re feeling particularly crazy, set a big goal you’ve always wanted to do and DO IT. Hell, my friend Debra wrote a freaking novel last year in a month. That’s crazy and awesome.
Figure out a way to be crazy and awesome for yourself. Then document it somewhere where you have to be accountable for the results. I use this blog because the threat of friends and family asking me how things are going is enough to keep me plugging away at my goals. I want to hear about your goals. I’ll be that friend that asks you randomly throughout the year how its going to keep you motivated.
Here’s to a safe and happy 2010!
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