I went to the grocery store in search of items for my holiday cooking endeavors. I picked up the essentials for my pumpkin pies, and I decided that I wanted to try a recipe for Beef and Broccoli that I’ve been hankering for lately.
The recipe in question called for cooking sherry for the marinade, so I ventured into Kroger’s Wines and Spirits shop to find it. I asked the disturbing looking woman behind the counter for it, and she took me right to it while explaining that they only have one kind. I said, no big deal, it was for cooking anyway.
As we walk back up to the counter and I check out, she asks “you cook with sherry, eh?” while giving me the “what are you up to, kid?” eye. I said that I, in fact, was planning to for the first time. She nodded and I left, but I wonder why she felt it necessary to ask me that question in that manner.
Can a man not cook with sherry for some reason? Did I miss a memo?
Anyway, all the items have been procured so sometime this week will be Beef and Broccoli night at my house. Hopefully no one will die.
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