Since I’m home on Thanksgiving break, I thought it best to pick up a workout or two since I’ve been largely unable to make it to the Denver dojo due to relocation and work thus far. It was a somewhat small class, Sensei Quinn had me lead warmups and we went right into a very strong basics-centered class. I ended up standing right next to a new white belt so I spent part of the class doing the white belt versions of the basics in order to give him an example to follow. He kept getting screwed up when I was supposed to do the reverse punch with certain techniques, so I thought it best to do his techniques so he could get it down. It turns out he’s had a few years of Muay Thai kickboxing and some boxing before that, I could tell from his technique that this wasn’t the first martial art he’s done.
The second class was quite small, but it was a quality group of black belts. We did some sparring combinations and some partner training with a focus on the timing of the techniques within combinations. Our focus was on putting techniques together in such a way to deter continued attacks, and I was somewhat happy with my timing tonight.
I did get to experience an interesting side-effect of mountain living… much more energy. I noticed halfway through the first class I was breathing hard, but I wasn’t anywhere near as tired as I was during similar workouts before I left. It was continually confirmed later in the class when we did partner drills… I felt like I could’ve done those all night at the rate we were going (at least from an energy perspective). So that’s pretty fun. I hope that continues to escalate as I get used to doing karate related things in Denver! It was good to see everyone again… I’m going to do my best to make it to Saturday morning this week before we hit the road back to Colorado!
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