Yesterday we ventured across the frozen highways to Colorado Springs to see Dave Ramsey‘s My Total Money Makeover Live event! We slightly misjudged the weather conditions and got there about 10 minutes before Dave hit the stage. The place had general admission seating and it was PACKED, we ended up in the upper bowl. I was surprised to see so many people there, Dave later explained that they had people come from as far as Wyoming and Montana to come to this event.
The event itself lasted 5 hours. There were three breaks and I was pretty impressed with Dave’s level of energy the whole time. The whole seminar took much of the same form as his Financial Peace University lectures, only it was shortened up to fit the shorter block of time. There was a big display of Dave’s merchandise (books, DVDs, budgeting software, etc) and he was offering some pretty significant discounts at the show, but there wasn’t anything we explicitly needed so we gave that part a pass.
The whole experience acted just as I had hoped: motivation for the last big debt repayment kick. If we finish this year, we’ll be right in the time range of the “average” people that get out of debt using his program, so that makes me feel pretty good given how much we had to pay off. I have done a budget revision already, Tasha and I are going to talk it over and really push to get this stuff finished up ASAP.
I highly recommend Dave’s live show if you are serious about getting debt under control. He also provided some good motivation for people looking to shift careers or find some additional income to help the debt repayment process or for those who were out of debt and wanted to build wealth, so there was really something for everyone. I think Tasha’s got some pictures coming soon!
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